Scholarship Information
Are you interested in helping KOSC reach new heights and get even more youth hunters through our programs than ever before? Consider donating to KOSC so that we can keep our camps being the best they’ve ever been!
Scholarship Information:
All financial scholarships are partial (not full) scholarships. Generally, qualifying campers will receive a discounted value based on need, this discount will be deducted from the session fee as a scholarship amount. Scholarship funds are available for campers with financial needs. KOSC will ONLY provide financial assistance for ONE session, per camper, per summer. Any additional sessions must be paid in full.
Camp Deposit
Please note that a camper IS NOT registered for a week of camp until their deposit ($250) has been received through the registration process on UltraCamp. We are unable to hold a space in a particular week until we have the registration form and the deposit.
Once you have submitted your Scholarship Application, we will send confirmation that your scholarship application was received. We will then let you know if your camper has been awarded a scholarship and what the value will be, along with further instructions on how to use your scholarship.

How to apply for a scholarship:
To apply for a scholarship please follow the link below, create an account, fill out and submit the form along with any other required documents.