Meet the Team
Judy Oswald
Are you interested in helping KOSC reach new heights and get even more youth hunters through our programs than ever before? Consider donating to KOSC so that we can keep our camps being the best they’ve ever been!
Judy Oswald
KOSC Founder & Board Member
Judy Oswald founded Kids Outdoor Sports Camp in 1998, after takin her grandchildren to participate in a hunter education course. Judy felt she could make the experience more beneficial to youth. She wanted a more hands-on experience and several days of training for rifle, shotgun, archery, fishing, and outdoor conservation versus the traditional one or two-day courses that were offered at the time.
KOSC started their first year with one camp of 16 campers in the summer of 1998. The next year it was 2 camps with 16 kids each. With the vision from Judy & the passion from many, we are proud to say that KOSC now hosts over 200 campers every summer! The majority of them come to beginning camp to learn about Hunter’s Safety and the fundamentals of conservation and hunting in the outdoors. Judy still attends camps to teach about her passion, conservation. She plays a huge part in helping our Wood Ducks, plus the kids love seeing and hearing about it every summer.